A Family Affair

What is your idea of the perfect volunteer? Words like reliable, creative, generous, hard-working, well-connected, and more may come to mind. HomeStretch has the honor of being served by many great volunteers that fit this description. This month, we highlight two of them. Howard and Canita Flint have labored alongside our organization with their time and talents for many years. You see their fingerprints at every event – not just attending, but also leading. You see their smiling faces as we plan, set up and wrap up our events. Howard serves as the ‘voice of HomeStretch’, lending his DJ-like voice and sense of humor to the role of our long-time emcee. Canita shares her creativity, can-do spirit, and ability to recruit and manage large numbers of volunteers. Even the Flint children aren’t exempt when there is HomeStretch work to be done. Piper, Oliver, and Campbell often join Canita and Howard in helping HomeStretch. Their commitment is an inspiring family tradition. Donna Franz, Volunteer Coordinator, says it best: “The Flints are always the first to say ‘just tell us what you need us to do.’ In our minds, this makes them the perfect volunteers. Thank you, Howard and Canita!

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#Find Your Park

It was another great summer at Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area! The National Park Service (NPS) HomeStretch crew of high school student interns accomplished some amazing things in a short time. They were trained in plant identification, CPR/first aid, and learned numerous trail maintenance and building techniques. In addition, they helped the park with one of its premier special events, ‘The River Race’, bringing great attitudes and the necessary muscle to make it a success. In addition to the race, each week they participated in park wellness days, designed to strengthen not only the body but also the mind. The NPS provided opportunities for the crew to experience other Atlanta attractions such as the Atlanta Botanical Gardens and the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historic site. “The summer was hot and humid, but the HomeStretch crew took each assignment with a smile on their faces,” says Dave Thomas, NPS Volunteer Coordinator. “They exceeded all park expectations. It was truly a pleasure working with each member of the crew and I hope that our paths will cross again.”

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A Smart Start to the School Year

What will kids do for a Chick-Fil-A gift card? At our most recent Youth LifeSkills class, resident students were happy to bring both their backpacks and, more importantly, their school planners with them to work with some fantastic educators. In return, each student received a gift card to the famous Atlanta-based restaurant chain. Certified teachers Carrie Weatherford, Carolyn McCarthy-Jackson, and Jessica Boyd led the HomeStretch middle and high school students in an informative class on how to organize their school life. However, the team went beyond education and encouraged the students through engaging activities. The three teachers led the group in animated role-playing about the benefits of being organized and the risks students face when they are not.  This was a clever way to get the students talking about what’s really happening in their classrooms. It also helped them set goals that can be revisited throughout the school year. “Most students don’t reflect on how they are doing until much later in the year,” explains Weatherford. “It was good for them to think about what they are doing right, what they could do better, and what they need to start doing in particular classes or with particular teachers.” McCarthy-Jackson agrees. “Kids always pay a price if they aren’t organized, ” she says. “On the other hand, kids who are organized earn easy extra points – literally and figuratively, with their teachers.” This program was part of the HomeStretch “Smart Start” Back to School Initiative which included distribution of school supplies, small group counseling sessions, and valuable time with this team of talented mentors. At the end of class, twelve resident teens, a 100% attendance rate, left with agendas in hand and a prized gift card to Chick-Fil-A. Here’s to a successful, organized school year!

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Starting Out On the Right Foot

At HomeStretch, we know how to play with a purpose, and the annual Back to School/Santa in Summer Program, hosted by the Rotary Club of John’s Creek, is no exception. The event creates excitement about heading back to the classroom while helping families prepare for the year ahead. “We enjoy providing enrichment resources that build education foundations for children in our community,” says Lynne Riley, Johns Creek Rotarian and chair of the event. This year’s event included fun activities,free school supplies, and the kids a Chik-Fil-A catered dinner. While the younger students played in a winter wonderland, educators and counselors gave our teens valuable tips for starting the year smart. Thank you, Rotarians, for supporting our families in so many ways. Also, a special thanks to the Alpharetta Rotary Club for donating Texas Instrument Scientific Calculators and Children’s Restoration Network for donating a backpack for each child in the HomeStretch program.

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Welcome Home

HomeStretch enjoys the support of a wide variety of donors and volunteers who work together to fulfill our mission. This month, we welcome three new partners as apartment sponsors. As a sponsor, they will donate recurring funds to offset monthly expenses associated with owning and maintaining our apartments – funds that enable us to provide stable housing for our families. In addition to funding, each sponsoring organization has the opportunity to furnish their apartment and mentor their resident families. Our sponsors are vital to our work. Welcome and thank you to: Dunwoody United Methodist Church (DUMC). Charity Guild of St. Ives and Greater Johns Creek Market Source Hear a word from each new sponsor on how they became involved with HomeStretch: “We love that our fellow Methodists in Roswell helped found HomeStretch. We were impressed with how the program helps families using accountability along with resources. We look forward to developing supportive relationships within the program.” – Samantha Faklaris, Director of Mission, DUMC “We wanted to move beyond fundraising events and elected to partner with local charities. HomeStretch was selected unanimously for our annual support and we are excited to be part of the organization.” – Kay Leaumont, President, Charity Guild of St. Ives & Greater Johns Creek “As a local company, we want to bring visibility to the challenges of low-income families and to support parents who are working full-time to make a difference for their children. Employee response has been fantastic!  We rallied and gathered all the furniture needed for our sponsored apartment. We look forward to serving and donating to this partnership.”- Erin Mitchell Richeson, Market Source Diversity and Inclusion Manager

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Where We Stand

Have you heard our voices? Area nonprofit agencies that aim to help homeless families in North Fulton tirelessly advocate for affordable housing in our community. Which means we stand together. This month, I’d like to take a moment to share why this is important. In our area, high-end development is on the rise. Meanwhile, the local inventory of affordable housing is rapidly disappearing. Rents are steadily increasing but wages are not. The result of this is twofold: increased homelessness that in turn creates economic tension for local businesses. Displaced workforce families in our area often leave their jobs, placing the strain of turnover and vacancies on employers. Overall, the households who struggle to sustain housing in North Fulton are a critical part of the local economy. HomeStretch and the North Fulton Homelessness and Housing partners work hard to help these families get back on their feet and to advocate for more permanent solutions. Which leads me to ask: will you stand with us? Help us spread the word so others can hear our collective voices and understand that affordable housing is good for businesses, for families, and ultimately, for all of us. — Rose Burton, Executive Director

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A Note From Our 2016-17 Board President

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Mahatma Gandhi I am honored to serve as the HomeStretch Board President for the coming year! Thank you to Greg Solheim, outgoing Board President, for his efforts to further solidify and expand HomeStretch. You led us well and we are so glad that you will continue to serve in a leadership role within our organization. As we look toward the coming year, we are committed to work together to achieve several goals for the common good of those we serve. Areas of focus will be: Nurture and grow relationships with current partners in the community. Leverage volunteer time and talent in planning and executing fundraising activities. Encourage new and innovative dialogue and interaction with local businesses to improve employment for our families. Align our constituents to promote teamwork in problem solving. Ensure solid operations enabling continued growth to meet low-income, affordable housing needs in our community. We have our goals, but we cannot achieve them without you. The full-time HomeStretch staff is lean and for this reason, we rely on volunteers to help deliver on our mission. There are ways for anyone to contribute. Together, we review your interests, expertise, and availability to find the right fit for you. We welcome volunteers for an afternoon, a week, or a year; we are only looking for a passion for doing good works. To that end, I will be calling on you to get involved with our programs, events, and fundraising as well as to supplement the time given by our long-time volunteers. Everyone has something exceptional to contribute. I believe each person has “unique ability” – that one thing they do better than anyone else. HomeStretch needs your talents, gifts, and resources to make 2016-2017 a year to remember. I look forward to serving and celebrating HomeStretch, assisting Rose Burton, our Executive Director, and the staff to ensure that our families achieve their dreams. Through their hard work and our support, love, and service, this is a goal within reach. We cannot measure ourselves nor our successes by what we get. Rather, the true measure must be by what we give. I look forward to a successful year. Sincerely yours, Kurt Hilbert 2016-17 Board President

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Partnering for Success with United Way

The key focus of the HomeStretch mission is financial education, specifically helping our residents reduce debt and improve income. As part of the program, families can get a jumpstart on paying down debt through a special matching program funded by the United Way Rapid Transition to Permanent Housing/HomeStretch Award Program. Residents apply for a match of up to $1,500 to repay debts that create a barrier to securing permanent housing. By decreasing housing debt, a family leaves HomeStretch with one less hurdle on the path toward stable housing. The following stories show the success made possible with this generous award: Ellen relocated to Atlanta to assist with an aging mother. Her mother’s illness required time and money that compromised family financial stability as well as Ellen’s job stability. Though she had a good job, she was spending every dime. Since coming to HomeStretch, Ellen realizes the danger of overspending, not budgeting, and not saving.  After paying off over $3,000 in debt, she was approved for the Rapid Transition to Permanent Housing matching program. She used this award to pay the remaining balance. With guidance from her Budget Mentor and Case Manager, Ellen changed her lifestyle, began working harder, and focused on paying debt. For Ellen, the future looks bright. Ann was fleeing domestic violence when she applied to HomeStretch. Once in our program, she negotiated with her creditors and reduced over $3,000 in debt to $1,800, all of which she has paid off.  The debt matching program then awarded Ann $900 for additional debt reduction. Simultaneously, she increased her wages from $15 an hour to $16 an hour. Ann currently does not own her own car.  When asked about her transportation goals, Ann said, “I need to get all of my current debt cleared up before I invest in a car.” Ann is making very thoughtful decision about how to budget her money. This spring, HomeStretch will provide over $10,000 in matching funds thanks to the award from the United Way. We know that every dollar in debt repayment brings our families closer to stability. Thank you, United Way!

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